Although Edison opened the West Orange laboratory 1887 and worked there
until his death 1931, the interpretive period for the site has been narrowed to
the period between 1910 and 1920. The section documenting room use and
furnishings opens with further overview Periods II, and III, and continues
with examination each space presented chronologically. Edison’s laboratory originally consisted six brick
buildings which contained galvanometer laboratory, chemical laboratory, pattern
shop, chemical storage room, metallurgy laboratory, library, stock room, heavy
machine shop, precision machine shop, drafting room, experimental rooms, and a
power house. Discussion room use and
furnishings for each building has been divided into four periods: Period 1887
through 1900; Period II, 1901 through 1914; Period III, 1915 through 1931; and
Period IV, 1932 through 1962.
Analysis room use, occupancy, and furnishings the historic furnishings report
is organized building.
Examination historic occupancy the six buildings begins with survey of
Periods II, and III and continues with discussion individuals who worked in
each building. overview the buildings and their functions is
provided the beginning the report help the reader place each building or
room within the context the laboratory complex. Written and photographic documentation are good for this
period; most the research for this report was conducted using original records
located the site archives.
The historic furnishings report divided into two parts: historical data section
and furnishings plan. This was time great organizational
change the laboratory, and one which saw the research and development of
many Edison’s important inventions, such the storage battery and the
improved phonograph. separate section addresses furnishings and use the gate house. For rooms which historic
furnishings will the interpretive media, the furnishings plan provides an
item-by-item listing recommended furnishings and evidence support inclusion
and placement each object. Historic
. The historical data section documents the occupancy, use,
and furnishings the laboratory buildings. This report documents the use and occupancy all six original
buildings. Individuals are listed rough chronological order, according the
dates their tenure the building.completed outside the Black Maria; visitors can then return the Building 6
exhibit area and leave the site