.did experiments table related Jonas Aylsworth’s work table and so
on. photograph from 1911, figure 33, shows that the battery
installation had been removed this time, (and probably taken Building 5,
third floor). The
battery charger and experimental batteries the far (north) wall the building,
between the main room and the balance room, provide visual key the battery
project. The evidence used here taken from figure 31, photograph taken by
Byron around 1906. The availability the battery charger (now
stored the balance room) was added inducement keep the plan.
Most the tables the south end the building, where the visitor first enters,
are concerned with the production, mixing, and testing chemicals used in
records. Yet this installation was such important part the work this
laboratory, and vital interpreting the laboratory, that decision was made
to keep the furnishings plan. record press with various experimental disc records, the right the
entrance, immediately gives the visitor idea the finished product the work
of this laboratory—the Edison phonograph record.
Moving into the building, towards the balance room, the visitor given more
information about record experiments and the production master recordings,
and then introduced the experiments and testing storage batteries.
The refurnished room will show working laboratory devoted testing storage
batteries and developing chemical mixtures used phonograph records