EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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small shelf bearing bust Edison mounted between the two windows the bay behind the counter..., not afford proper facilities, either for attractive display efficient storage the free literature, sales stock, files, and other supplies and materials which must kept and used the building., 1. The counter top displays slides and books and the Park Ranger behind the counter appears presiding over a visitors* register. The east side the building not shown this photograph (see figure 151). 177 .Besides this, the existing partitions, shelving, cabinets, etc.610 A 1969 photograph the Gate House interior shows the west side spruced up visitor reception area, with linoleum flooring and waist-high wooden counter extending almost the length the room..drab interior, with the attendant employee practically screened off from the entrance door, cage. Chairs benches were not provided for visitors use while waiting for their tour to begin. 810 Ibid