No.. Blacksmith Shop," prepared Susan Kopczanski (Washington DC,
April 1975), p. The first blacksmith shop documented the West
Orange site was located the rear Building This shop was located behind
an ore crushing facility the front room the building.
572 NPS, "Historic Furnishings Study, Bldg.
871 Shop Order 2610, August 24, 1911 (in Notebook N-10-07-26) for rebuilding burned out blacksmith
588 Voucher-684, June 1888.
History the Structure.Building 7
The blacksmith shop was located several different sites during Edison’s time at
the West Orange laboratory. 1913 photograph
shows the shop adjacent Building During 1919 the shop was rebuilt to
conform its present shape and moved some distance from Building 2.672
5W National Park Service, "Historic Structures Report-Part Building No, Blacksmith Shop," prepared
by Melvin Weig, Benjamin Levy, Arthur Spiegler, and Gordie Whittington, NPS, 1964, 2. No.
869 "Laboratory General Ledger," January 1897 December 31, 1901, 109; see also NPS, "Historic
Furnishings Study, Bldg."569 This building was modified after 1909
government inspection. Blacksmith Shop," 3.567 likely that the
blacksmith shop was installed the summer 1888, when vouchers document
the installation "partition [the] Ore Milling room" and "Door for [the]
Blacksmith Shop. Blacksmith Shop," 4.566 Most the evidence that has
survived consolidated Susan Kopcznski’s 1975 "Historic Furnishings
In 1911 fire destroyed the shop; was rebuilt August that year 571 The
rebuilt shop was square structure made sheet metal. that time the roof was cut away create two-inch
gap around the flue. general, was used forge metals, and reshape
and sharpen tools for the machine shops.
567 1886 Atlas Map, 147 (corrected 1890) found the Orange Public Library, New Jersey; see NPS,
"Historic Furnishings Study, Bldg, No." The following discussion relies heavily that study.
878 Instructions Middle States Inspection Bureau, January 20, 1909, 1909, WOL-General. Over the years, little was recorded about its
occupancy and furnishings.3."568
According Kopcznski’s "Historic Furnishings Study," the operation was moved to
a new shop 1900, when the Laboratory General Ledger documents new
structure, built hemlock and white pine and requiring "asphalt roofing, sheet
iron flooring; and dark red paint