EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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. A secondary theme "the history the laboratory since Edison’s death 1931, including the role the National Park Service preserving and interpreting the vast cultural resources the site. Historically furnished areas interpret the site the period 1910 1920 when the Edison laboratory complex was its most active—creating, refining, manufacturing and promoting new products. • The impact the work done West Orange the daily lives millions of people worldwide. The work force the West Orange laboratory reached its peak during this period, with over 200 experimenters, machinists and laborers employed." The strength the interpretation the laboratory complex lies the opportunity to link the "perspiration" and "inspiration" inventing the development and distribution Edison’s products the consumer market. Furnished areas include the chemistry laboratory, pattern shop, library, stock room, heavy machine shop, precision machine shop, and drafting rooms. • The role Thomas Edison inventor, entrepreneur, manufacturer, husband and father, and cultural icon.final products for distribution national mass market. The examination two specific technologies will also encourage visitors to consider the impact Edison’s inventions their own lives." The three primary themes presented the Interpretive Prospectus include: • The role the West Orange laboratory the development science, business and technology. following the process from idea to final product, visitors should gain greater understanding Edison’s working method.The 1991 "Interpretive Prospectus" for the site refined these themes focusing the current interpretation Edison’s definition new pattern for American industry" which "connected the inventive process with the organization of manufacturing [to] produce.. Visitors should come away from the site with greater understanding not only Edison’s individual inventions, but also the process inventing. 2 . Interpretation each room will highlight the development two Edison’s inventions, the phonograph and the storage battery, that visitors may easily follow the research and development process