494 Shop Orders 3136 and 3137, Notebook N-09-01-29.
A series photographs taken Miller Reese Hutchison gives almost complete
picture this installation. Each battery was charged and then the discharge curve plotted it
ran down.
.494 UnderjIJdiller
Reese Hutchison’s direction, several partitions the south side the floor were
removed and the greatly enlarged area was used Dinwiddie make films. Desks and tables occupied the south Lakeside Avenue
side the floor.
Building Third Floor, Storage Battery Test Department
This department was the major installation during Period and occupied most
of the floor. 1905 shop order calls for putting charging station, probably on
this floor. There were also tables which the
youths could note the results their tests laboratory notebooks.The third floor underwent significant change 1912.)
Equipment related battery testing, such accumulators and ammeters, was
positioned against this partition.
This was large open space that occupied about one quarter the floor. Some these banks were parallel the side wall
and some were positioned right angles.
Building Third Floor, Educational Film Studio
In 1912 the storage battery test department was moved the storage battery
factory. Battery testing equipment was placed between this
area and the central partition (see figure 137).1. the same year much the space used this department was
converted into film studio for Dinwiddie’s educational films.
483 Album 10, (MRH album), pp. The function the storage battery test department was test the
new alkaline iron nickel storage batteries which were suffering from loss of
charge.493 A
partition divided this room; the south side was the "Speaker Experimental
Room" (figure 138).492
492 Shop Order 1782, Notebook N-99-06-24. These rooms contained racks batteries connected accumulators and
ammeters. 37-41. The storage battery test
department, the major installation since the early part the twentieth century,
was dismantled this time and the space the third floor redistributed. (See schematic plan 6.
More racks batteries ran down the north side the eastern section the third
floor (figures 134 and 136)