EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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Richard Anderson, who created the illustrations for the report, offered extremely helpful suggestions many areas. Special thanks Douglas Tarr, Assistant Archivist, and Nancy Waters, former Supervisory Curator, who have been especially generous with their time and knowledge, providing corrections, support, and thoughtful suggestions throughout. George Tselos, Archivist; Kenneth Chandler, Collections Manager; Jerry Fabris, Museum Curator; Marilyn Kyles, Registrar; Edward Wirth, Project Archivist; Leonard DeGraaf, Archives Technician; Theresa Jung, Chief Visitor Services and Resource Protection and Karen Sloat-Olson, Supervisory Park Ranger, have all shared their various areas expertise, improving and refining the report. In the Division Historic Furnishings, John Brucksch, Division Chief, and Sarah Olson, former Division Chief, have provided guidance and encouragement, and Kam Sloan, Editorial Assistant, has produced finished report from a cumbersome and complicated manuscript. Joyce Bedi provided assistance with initial photograph research. xvi . Their comments, suggestions and insights have been invaluable.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The staff the Edison National Historic Site have been involved the research, writing, and editing this report from the start. The staff the Edison Papers Project, especially Historian Gregory Field, have also generously shared their understanding Edison and the West Orange site