EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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Lab Oral Histories, 1973, Columbia Oral History Project, 33. This myth was passed on the first interpret the laboratory; Norman Speiden told visitors that Edison promised dollar any laboratory employee who could name something that was not the store room.12; blizzard story from Fessenden, "The Inventions of Reginald Fessenden," Radio News (August 1925). the line of 130 . Several substances related phonograph records were present this store room this time, including clay, asphalt, waxes, resin, and pitch. To casual visitor the first view this heterogeneous collection quite bewildering, but more mature examination resolves itself into natural classification-as, for instance, objects pertaining various animals, birds, and fishes, such skins, hides, hair, fur, feathers, wool, quills, down, bristles, teeth, bones, hoofs, horns, tusks, shell; natural products, such woods, barks, roots, leaves, nuts, seeds, herbs, gums, grains, flours, meals, bran; also minerals great assortment; mineral and vegetable oils, clay, mica, ozokerite, etc.445 445 Dickson and Dickson, The Life and Inventions Thomas Alva Edison, 290. 446 Supplies found Lab Notebook N-88-06-01..it not surprising find the stock-room not only museum, but sample-room nature, well supply department.Edison determined have within his immediate reach the natural resources the world. Dyer and Martin describe ..the famous stock-room, about which much has been written and invented.. The lists materials delivered the new laboratory indicate wide diversity of materials, including peacock feathers and sea horses, and also true that in the blizzard 1888 laboratory employees Fessenden and Aylsworth were able to survive the laboratory eating supplies found the storeroom..446 Yet the location the stock room defines its purpose source materials used the machine shops, and these materials were primarily tools and pieces metal. Its fame arose from the fact that Edison planned repository some quantity, great small, every known and possible useful substance not readily perishable, together with the most complete assortment chemicals and drugs that experience and knowledge could suggest. The stock room was one part the publicity campaign. Here was born showman who needed attract publicity the facility had constructed was going acquire the research contracts he needed survive. Building Stock Room, Period II: 1901-1914 Dyer and Martin’s 1910 account the stock room does not differ much from Dickson’s report the 1880s.tend forget that shows the lasting power and importance Edison’s self promotion.. was said that Edison defied anyone name one substance, organic inorganic, that could not found his stock room. There are some indications that there was more than one stock room the laboratory and possible that some the exotic materials used electric light and phonograph experiments might have been stored elsewhere.