EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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432 See figures and 89. Edison provided spittoon for him which refused to use, but must have kept because white enamelled spittoon appears next to his desk most photographs. This large carpet was placed under Edison’s desk, the center the room. When Edison next entered the library, it appeared nothing had changed. arrived the laboratory June 1923 and was placed "in the south end the library, which seems the most suitable place for it. 1930, there were over framed prints and photographs the library. 433 Roderic Peters interview.432 Certain furnishings the library are closely associated with Edison himself.they had been before the fire. Edison. this location can seen the best advantage, and here will remain perpetual reminder our friends and their fine tribute Mr.429 429 The New York Times, December 11, 1914, col. 2-8 (in 1930, WOL-Library, Pictures and Other Exhibits). A smaller carpet has since replaced the 1930 carpet and covers only half the room.430 For his 75th birthday 1922, Edison received Lorado Taft bronze statue of Orpheus holding aloft disc record from the midwest Edison phonograph jobbers, or sales representatives.433 127 ."431 A large area rug with stylized border replaced the oriental carpet 1930, and was used least through 1969 when was place for Charles Edison’s funeral. These included images Edison his home Fort Myers; cartoons; pictures various illuminations and factories; portraits Edison with Ford, Firestone and others, well portraits presidents, scientists, and other famous men. Oral History Project, 16; see figures and 63. 1. 430 "Miscellaneous Exhibits the Library," 1930 inventory, pp. The remainder the room covered utility carpet, because the visitor circulation path. Building Library, Period III: 1915-1931 As framed prints and photographs were acquired for the library, existing pictures were redistributed the walls, railings and columns make room for the new acquisitions. Legend has that Mrs. 431 Laurence Lucker Charles Edison (?), June 13, 1923 (in 1923, WOL--Orpheus Statue)