EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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The vestibule appears made out wood panels and does not reach the ceiling (figure 48). Rosanoff, "Edison His Laboratory," Harper’s Monthly Magazine 165 (Sept. 1903 or 1904 M.A. Rosanoff found Edison ’’in small reception room” which could have been the library the hallway outside the library doors. 378 Photograph Album 10, catalog 5209, 103. The purpose this structural change was probably provide waiting room for visitors Edison the library and separate these visitors from laboratory staff making their way the machine shops and storeroom. 1932), 402.A.376 376 M.Building Hallway, Period 1887-1900 and Period II: 1901-1914 The main entrance Building led the doorway the library.) People entering the building and going the storeroom and machine shop travelled the left the vestibule. door was positioned in the frame the large arched window that stood across the hallway from the entrance the stock room. See figure 120.378 Yet this was not the first time clock this building, nor was the first time that experimenters and executives had clock in. In 1912 photographs one can see through the passageway (behind the main door to Building all the way the window that looked out onto Lakeside Avenue (figure 47). 377 This was one two doors Lakeside Avenue; the other was freight door the first floor machine shop. Photographs taken 1915 show that vestibule has been erected in this passageway with door leading the doorway the library. 115 . 1904 Byron photograph shows time clock outside the stock room (figure 92)." During this period the other major entrance Building was Lakeside Avenue. floor plan of 1916 this space designated "waiting room. (See schematic plan 5.377 In 1912 the new chief engineer, Miller Reese Hutchison, quickly made his mark on Building was proud the time clock installed the main entrance and there are several photographs Edison clocking in