EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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Poznámky redaktora
109 . Beams located just below the heads the windows supported mezzanine, used for lumber storage, over the north end the shop. Most were bare bulb fixtures but there was least one example each of conical sheet metal, enameled spun steel, and milk glass reflectors. embossing machine, used make raised letters and numerals metal tags was mounted small stand the middle the room. Lighting this shop came from windows and was supplemented random assortment single and double bulb fixtures hanging their own braided conductors.castings they produced. Benches along the east wall were set for less precise cabinet work and general carpentry with conventional face vises rather than universal patternmakers’ vises. rack, suspended from the mezzanine over the east aisle, held choice wide boards that could passed through casement window the north end wall