A photograph the south end the pattern shop (figure 42), taken W. There proof that was used exclusively for storing chemicals.1890, clearly shows the door sander, patternmakers’ lathe, and 24-inch
planer the foreground and the horizontal boring machine, scroll saw, and double
Edison specified that the shop was equipped with sets patternmakers’ and
carpenters’ tools ("Make these very complete best market"), two benches with
vises, grindstone, several clamps, and steam glue pot.
The following machines for this shop were ordered from Joseph Fay of
Cincinnati 1887:
a carving, paneling, edge molding machine [shaper], with iron top and assorted
cutters; improved door sand papering machine, with exhaust fan and table; a
hand feed drum sand papering machine; surface ornamenting machine, with ten
assorted cutters and countershaft; double circular saw table; hand and power
feed surfacer [planer], with countershaft; unstrained scroll saw; Cochran hand
planer [jointer]; and universal single spindle horizontal borer.
A comparison the chemical orders from the nineteenth century with 1941
inventory revealed little disparity.361 other parts the laboratory were used
for the storage chemicals could well that this space was also used for the
storage materials other than chemicals. January 1888, Fay
shipped patternmakers’ lathe with double face plates, floor stand rest, iron
shears, movable carriage and tool rest.
Building Pattern Shop, Period 1887-1900
The initial selection tools and machinery, and photographs the shop’s interior
suggest that this space was intended used general woodworking shop
with the capacity for precise patternmaking, rather than pattern shop alone.
361 National Park Service, "Historic Structures Report-Part Chemical Stock Room and Pattern Shop,
Building No.L. Edison National Historic Site," prepared Melvin Weig, Norman Speiden, William T.
363 tae Charles Batchelor, undated (in 1887, WOL--General, D-87-55); Voucher 236, January 12,
1888.Building Chemical Storage: Periods II, and III
No images the chemical storage room have come light.
362 Voucher 784, November 18,1887.
Dickson, ca.
Ingersoll, and Gordie Whittington, October 11, 1962, 6. There are plans of
this space and accounts its contents the document files memoirs of