no. no. 5511A; 10. photographs have been
found which show the Soxhlet extractors and distilling plant now occupying the
experimental tables Building Instead, the surviving photographs show a
spacious and immaculately clean laboratory with hardly any equipment the
tables. This equipment contained considerable amount of
glass work and tubing. An
examination the laboratory records revealed important event June 1928,
when the photographs were taken.
no. Personnel employed corporation are contained appended list.383/7, neg.special equipment constructed for this project.358 This pristine laboratory may reflect diminished
experimental activity and not simply clean-up for special event. The records the Edison Botanic Research
Corporation indicate that $3,207 was spent experimental apparatus the
West Orange laboratory between May 1928 and December 1931.359
It appears likely that remained the end the laboratory where his little
desk stood and moved his chair into the aisle supervise tests carried out by
George Hart.
357 "Edison Botanic Research Corporation Report Stockholders," January 15, 1932. Pictures the apparatus (which were not taken the
West Orange laboratory) show the complicated Soxhlet extractors packed onto the
tops experimental tables.
We have several accounts Edison work this laboratory the 1920s and a
couple photographs taken 1930 prove that was experimenting here. Some this was
probably used analysis specimens the bromination process (using benzol
solvent) and experiments vulcanizing the crude rubber obtained from the
goldenrod plants. The process heating and
drying large amounts rubber extract may have required special equipment. 5511B; and 10. series pictures taken June 1928 show almost apparatus the
tables and experiments progress (figure 37).
Special extractor apparatus was constructed squeeze and distill organic
chemicals from specimens.
359 Paul Kasakove interview, Norman Speiden interview, and Harold Anderson interview, Oral History
Project. Fresh cut flowers the experimental tables are evidence that Edison
was not work this space.367
The images Building the 1920s not show special equipment that might
have been used rubber analysis vulcanization.137/15, neg.
The balance room clean and tidy with row microscopes the table the
east wall. "D-Box" Collection-
358 See figure 37; also photographs 10. Only one employee occupies the room. figure 38, the fact that Edison’s chair completely blocking the
.383/3, neg.356
aw Thomas Edison, handwritten notes, Edison Botanic Research Corporation Records, Box 24, Folder 18. few flasks and beakers have
been placed the middle the tables. 5511C, not reproduced this report