EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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new master could easily slid into the top part the press. Although the most important project carried out the phonograph business was the new disc product, should not forgotten that Edison dearly loved the cylinder format and continued experimental work throughout this period. This was used make submaster which turn was used produce working master.) 347 Frank Dyer Smith, March 23, 1910, Record Manufacturing Division Records, Box 16. This machine could also press out variety of other forms made from condensite.346 The press was hydraulically operated and could accommodate one disc time. 350 Historian’s Note 128. The working disc masters that were used this press were also produced in Building Again, the purpose the laboratory was establish the procedures and make the equipment and then thoroughly test the device before handing it over the production staff. This working master could used stamp out hundreds copies the original master disc. This would give rough date 1910 1911 the time the installation the press, because production disc records the factories did not begin until 1913.347 (See for more Jonas Aylsworth. The practice Edison’s laboratory was set and test equipment before was installed the factories. 348 John Robertson and Company Edison Phonograph Works, Purchasing Department, December 11, 1914 (in 1914, WOL-Fire). Building would therefore still have evidence work the cylinder and the equipment make copies prerecorded masters and test them. The electroplating equipment used make masters and submasters was installed Building 1910.350 The standard operating procedure the Edison Phonograph Works was make working masters actually press discs and save the original submasters and matrices archival copies. 348 Historian’s Note 90.were also kept secret this time, for fear that they might give Baekeland idea of what the West Orange laboratory was to. There were also 103 .349 The product this plating process was negative, matrix, the master. A Robertson disc press was set opposite the condensite mixer press master records unto blanks and make copies (figure 34)