EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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left Edison’s employ 1921 (see for more Selden Warner). After the war, Selden Warner continued work this room." contained sink the north end and counter top and shelves running along the east side. 333 "Classification Build)ngs-Historical Dept," July 21, 1939, Historical Research Dept., containing reports and correspondence relating the History the Edison Laboratory from 1935 1949.The two small rooms either side the main entrance were also changed suit new experimental projects. 7-8. final possibility that Edison took celluloid more seriously recording medium than has previously been believed. the other hand the term celluloid might have been loosely used cover all types recording material. Warner also worked sound ranging equipment and assisted with the miner’s safety cap lamp. 332 jyjpg, "HSR, Edison NHS, Building 1,” pp. 3M ”Thomag Edison Personal—Floor Areas Laboratory Building," November 25, 1918, 1918, WOL- General. 1918 plan indicates total remodelling of Building The plan divides Building into main room and disc record celluloid room, about one-third the size the main room. This was carried out by Selden Warner the small laboratory the room the west side the building. that case this room could have been employed the production discs. the 1930s this room was designated as a chemical laboratory. Spieden called "chemical room and photographic dark room. This included converting the alkaline storage battery to 96 . This room was eventually taken over Theodore Edison and was called "Theodore’s room. During the war they were equipped to carry out experiments hydrogen testing apparatus (to measure the gas the interior submarines) and depth sounding equipment.333 The end World War work brought changes this building government research contracts were terminated. In 1919 this building was used develop electrical systems for use Ford Model T automobiles." photograph taken 1939 shows little structural change and the addition numerous bottles of chemicals and balance (figure 13).334 experimental rooms are described. Interior spaces were divided into sections and subsections. The use the term celluloid puzzling because this material was not used the production Edison discs, only for Blue Amberol records which were cylinders. They were not similar shape for the west side office was larger and extended the partition. The reports and correspondence were generated from 1935 through 1949. Perhaps this room was used for temporary production Blue Amberol records after the war and there was mistake its description this document. This listing included all buildings being converted historical/museum use.332 This room had once housed photographic equipment and remnants can seen the photographs (figure 11)