The user able request live data and remotely configure the processor from the user's own PC.This provides protection from electromagnetic interference industrial environments. The processor provides connection for 10BASE-T RJ45 Shielded Twisted Pair (STP) connector CAT5 specification. Full details the LAND messaging interface are given the Processor Configuration Software User Guide. The use unshielded 10BASE-T LSOH Category Level UTP only recom ended for area's that are guaranteed free from severe electromagnetic interference.User Guide
Cable Requirements The ethernet connection provides high-speed communications interface. The general cable recommendation use shielded 10BASE-T LSOH Category Level STP cable. make use the external communications, customers must send commands the processor using the LAND specified format. The maximum cable length allowed 100m 328ft, which can extended 457m 1499ft utilising external network repeaters. Ethernet Connection
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