E-THERM LANDMARK Graphic Signálový procesor

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'CMD' (Command) Input Control via Potential-free Contacts PP307 Page 29 .5V Short circuit 307023 Fig.0V Open circuit <+1. Where: >+3.User Guide ■riil. 'CMD' (Command) Input Control via Remote Switch Customer Connections ~w~ Vin ,_ _ Potential-free contacts A O Pin Pin 8 l/A t1 Peak Picker Track Hold Open circuit Short circuit Peak Pick Reset Track Hold CMD Note: Input connections must isolated from all other connections the thermometer, including earth/chassis Potential-free contacts can replicated voltage Vin. Where: >+3.0V Switch open <+1.5V Switch closed 307022 Fig.l-H 1 Customer Connections Vin Remote switch + A Pin 9 -o l/T CMD Pin 8 Peak Picker Track Hold Switch open Switch closed Peak Pick Reset Track Hold Note: Input connections must isolated from all other connections the thermometer, including earth/chassis Remote switch can replicated voltage Vin