Calibrated readings are sacrificed this mode, but accurate calibration returns when the option set back the default (1.User Guide
Item 9
Description Alarms
Function Two setable alarm functions, Alarm and Alarm Each alarm has the following options: Type High Alarm: alarms upper temperature input point, Low Alarm: alarms lower temperature input point, Emissivity Lost (SN variants only): alarms when emissivity input lost, Non-greyness Lost (SR variant only): alarms when non-greyness input lost, Obscuration (SNR1 variants only): alarms when thermometer field view obscurred Level Trip level High and Low alarms Contact Mode Set alarm contact N/O N/C This function allows the user purposefully offset the factory calibration (temperature readings) the instrument address local requirements. ‘485 Settings' sub-menu
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.00). LED illuminates when the laser active Apply Applies any changes made via the configuration software the thermometer Read Reads and displays parameters set the thermometer
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Fig. The factory calibration the instrument protected and remains unchanged after using this function
Activate This allows the user manually select laser
User Calibration
11 12
Laser Read/Apply