3 fig ftw (SN-W CS) ire RS485
This scheme allows the user connect laptop direct therm eter. 232 4-wire RS485 converter required and the laptop/PC requires Land Windows Configurator software (SN-WCS) installed.An external 24V d.nmEEnura
User Guide
3.4 fig ftw (SN-W CS) SN-W /E
S erm ete xternal d. 3. RS232 4-w ire RS485 nve rte required and the laptop/PC requires Land Windows Configurator Software (SN-WCS) installed allow thermometer configuration.2. external 24V d. upply rface Unit
4-C ble sto ction ins itch :
4 able
R erial Cable
L top ith nfig oftw Installed
Fig. power supply required power the therm eter and this wired direct through the therm eter cable.c. Page PP307
. Thermometer Direct RS485 Configuration This scheme allows the user connect laptop RS485, configure via rfa it.c. power supply required power the thermometer and this wired direct through the thermometer cable.2.c