important fully check all equipment with which you have been supplied.
Fig. 1.0 1. There are several different therm eter types with choice operating wavelength, optical variants, laser alignment and measurement ranges suit applications within the operating range 200 1750°C/392 3182°F. also advisable that all supplied literature kept readily available, for reference when the equipment general use. All Land literature should read thoroughly before proceeding with any operations detailed within it.User Guide 1.1 INTRODUCTION eneral tro tio n
This publication provides the necessary information required safely operate the Land digital therm eter. The equipment must only used, maintained and serviced suitably trained personnel, capable carefully following the procedures and guidelines given this User Guide and associated literature. Land Digital Thermometer PP307 Page 1
.2 ita rs
Land compact, web browser enabled infrared thermometer system offering the user maximum flexibility and connectivity. This anual should used tio ith lic tio Land rie (Thermometer Quick-Start Guide PP305 Thermometer Installation Guide PP308 Mountings and Accessories Installation Guide PP310)