E-THERM LANDMARK Graphic Signálový procesor

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Poznámky redaktora
0034.User Guide \ij0 i^/ 0 QG MNAITN AULMT E & UKAS 0 1 g |T The Quality Management System Land Instruments International Limited approved ISO9001:2000 for the design and manufacture, stockholding, in-house repair and site servicing non contact tem perature easuring instrumentation. All packaging material used for this product can recycled. The Land calibration laboratory com plies with the requirements the international standard ISO/IEC 17025. Associated software designed and developed accordance with ickIT Calibration certificates are available from our accredited Calibration Laboratory No. PP307 Quality Assurance . This product com plies with current European directives relating electrom agnetic compatibility and safety (EMC ire tiv 89/336/EEC; lta ire tiv 73/23/E C)