DEXON Ozvučení budov

| Kategorie: Leták / Datasheet  | Tento dokument chci!

Katalogové listy a montážní návody ozvučovacích systémů a prvků.

Vydal: DEXON CZECH s.r.o. Autor: Kamil Toman

Strana 332 z 652

Poznámky redaktora
14. Turn off the keypad Length:4 5 Command:RS_232_ZONE_CONTROL_PANEL OFF Data: ©Turn off room keypad, represent the related keypad turned on ©Turn off room keypad (room keypad: 9~16) Checking: N/A Terminal Feedback: True/False (RS_232_TRUE/RS_232_FALSE) Data sent below: Start Code Start Code Length Command Data Source Checking FF 24 Stranka 21 . Turn the keypad Length:4 5 Command:RS_232_ZONE_CONTROL_PANEL ON Data: ©Turn room keypad, represent the related keypad turned on ©Turn room keypad (room keypad: 9~16) Checking: N/A Terminal Feedback: True/False (RS_232_TRUE/RS_232_FALSE) Data sent below: Start Code Start Code Length Command Data Source Checking FF 23 15