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2-1 Copper unscreened MS 1/8 90°/180° 0808/e Description Compact cover, die cast zinc small depth angled design (90 degrees) Straight design (180 degrees) Two types mounting coupling: Side with module fixing (straight design for example use unilan Patch Panel MPS 24x) Side with keystone fixing (straight design for example use unilan Patch Panel 24x) Manufacturer: BTR Applicable Standards ISO/IEC 11801:2002 IEC 60603-7-5 (Ed.Feed-trough coupler RJ45-RJ45 Cat.0 2003-01-10) EIA/TIA 568-B. U-81 Informations Article No. Description Colour PU Accessories Fibre optic Copper screened Connecting Communication technology . Link/Class angled degree and straight 180 degree Side RJ45- feed-trough coupling angled fitting Side RJ45- feed-trough coupling angled Keystone fitting Side RJ45- feed-trough coupling straight fitting Side RJ45- feed-trough coupling straight Keystone fitting Product information unilan® RJ45-Feed-trough coupling angled and straight Cat (Link) screened Application Optimally suitable for the setting Consolidation Points and Cross-Connect wirings.1. For all digital and analogue applications according Cat6 Link (class according ISO/IEC 11801:2002, 50173-1:2002 and EIA/TIA 568-B.2-1 2002 General Characteristics M Cat./Class Modular Cat Class E Systems 1 piece piece Dimensions Angled design (90 degrees) Straight design (180 degrees) 417 445 417 446 unilan® RJ45- feed-trough coupler Cat (Link) angled degree unilan® RJ45- feed-trough coupler Cat (Link) straight 180 degree metal metal Technical changes reserved