Daetwyler Cables - Information and Communication technology

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Information and Communication technology, Safety cable systems, Building automation, Elevator cable systems, Cable harnessing, logistics and support

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Poznámky redaktora
0.: 186209 drums cut length Door safety circuit Circuit diagram Accessories Compensation weight Adapter Door safety circuit Part no.5V! 100m 100m return line plus 30x4m horizontal wiring (Line [A-B] total connections) Machine room (MR MRL) Cable Connection box Top Flat cable Suspension device Part no.: 179814 Connection box Bottom Pit Shaft Branch cabling tailor-made harnessing request FloorLink can ordered complete tailor-made set! D-38 .: 188313 Informations principal scheme Suspension device Part no.FloorLink The multi-purpose shaft wiring system comprehensive elevator cable systems The FloorLink system consist simple elements Rated insulation voltage: Nominal voltage: Fusing: Voltage drop: Details: 450V 220V For instance 100m cable and adapter max.: 188100 including mounting set Shaft cabling systems Cable end cap Door safety circuit Part no