Daetwyler Cables - Information and Communication technology

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Information and Communication technology, Safety cable systems, Building automation, Elevator cable systems, Cable harnessing, logistics and support

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185 214 185 215 Product type Screw set M12x40 Hilti HSL-TZ M8/20 Application for fixing the elevator car and counter weight for fixing the shaft wall D-35 Informations Shaft cabling systems G B Accessories Compensation weight comprehensive elevator cable systems .Suspension device FH, Module concept and Compensation weight Figure Suspension device 4001 for FH, module concept and compensation weight Figure screw set M12x40 for car/counter weight Figure Hilti HSL-TZ M8/20 for shaft wall Product information Suspension device 4001 (see figure The steel suspension device 4001 normally used for maximum Dynofil elevator suspension cables compensation weight. 184 606 Product type 4001 Figure and Installation kits Part no. Flat cable Figure Figure 3 Application Installation Following installation screw sets are available for 4001: elevator car counter weight: bolts M12 incl. load 1800 (Minimum concrete strength required: ␤w=30N/mm2) Dimensions A F LZ 4001 (New with holes) 220mm 170mm 30mm 160mm 25mm Ø13mm 120mm thickness ground plate 5mm F D Cable grip Crimping sleeves recommended Dätwyler, see page D-36 alternative: crosby clips G-450 DIN 1142 Figure Suspension device 4001 for FH, module cable and compensation weight Part no.8/8 (nut) shaft wall: Hilti HSL-TZ M8/20 (see figure max. spring-washer, washer and nut (see figure 2), Bolt: property class 8