Daetwyler Cables - Information and Communication technology

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Information and Communication technology, Safety cable systems, Building automation, Elevator cable systems, Cable harnessing, logistics and support

Vydal: Neurčeno

Strana 505 z 528

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Poznámky redaktora
400 m Part no.0 4. [kg/100m] Copper content [kg/km] Standards comprehensive elevator cable systems .5 698 616 191 483 8859-F 10 2.0 94.00 50/125 G=green-yellow + 0.0 199.7 14. [mm mm] Supporting members Weight approx.0 4.00 0. DKA type 191 114 8859-F 12 2.00 1.50 1.50 0.75 300/300 Further dimensions request D-27 Informations Shaft cabling systems Accessories Compensation weight Flat cable Cross Sectional Area mm2] Rated voltage fibre core Uo/U [V] Bundle type D-13 Holes Data elements Overall dimensions approx.0 14.50 450/750 300/500 300/300 300/300 450/750 300/500 300/500 M4, M2, M15, M2, M14, M2, M5, M3, M11, M9, M11 6651/3-F 6F-2314 6651/2-F 6347/3-F 90.Module concept safety zero-halogen High rise Travelling height max.50 1.8 215