Daetwyler Cables - Information and Communication technology

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Information and Communication technology, Safety cable systems, Building automation, Elevator cable systems, Cable harnessing, logistics and support

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Poznámky redaktora
m comprehensive elevator cable systems Drawing according part number 191 113 Type 8582-F Product information Flat cable Application Elevator suspension cable for internal and panoramic elevators Installation Compensation weight To comply with the correct installation procedures please refer the Dynofil installation manual which available separately.safety zero-halogen unsupported Low rise Travelling height max. max. m/s 0. Construction Core flexible Core insulation Data elements Supporting members Outer sheath class EPDM details according page D-28/D-29 none zero-halogen Accessories Electrical properties Rated voltage Uo/U according table Mechanical properties Shaft cabling systems Free suspension length: Travelling height: Running speed: Acceleration: Operating temperature: Recommended loop diameter: max. max.8 m/s2 -15 +70 according table, Tolerance -50/+100mm Colour code Informations In accordance with IEC 60757 Core: black, white numbered, green-yellow Pair/quad: various colours black with white numbers Coax: black Outer sheath: black Standard EN 50214 D-20