Daetwyler Cables - Information and Communication technology

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Information and Communication technology, Safety cable systems, Building automation, Elevator cable systems, Cable harnessing, logistics and support

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Poznámky redaktora
00 mm2 fibre GF-2314 µ CH-H05Z-Z 8823-Z CH-N05V-Z 6 0.75 mm2 M1 6240-F CH-N05Z-F CH-N05V-F 10 1.50 mm2 6651 /2-F CH-N03EA7-F 4 0.75 mm2 fibre GF-2314 GF-2314 62.0 mm2 M4 6240-F CH-N07Z-F 8570-F CH-N07V-F 5 2.34 mm2 8607-F STP CH-N03EC7-F 3 0. Please refer manufacturer verify feasibility your requested combination elements.50 mm2 6347/3-F STP M7 8061/2-F CH-N03EA7-F 7 0. D-9 Informations M11 8811-Z GF-2314 62.5µ M12 8811-Z CH-H05Z-Z 8823-Z CH-N03EA7-F 4 0.50 mm2 6651 /2-F M15 8870-F Note: This selection possible module elements.00 mm2 M2 6240-F CH-N05Z-F 8570-F CH-N07V-F 7 1.50 mm2 6651/2-F FTP M13 8662/2-F CH-N03EC7Z1-F 3 0.00 mm2 fibre GF-2314 GF-2314 62.75 mm2 6651 /2-F FTP 6651/3-F M9 8662/2-F CH-N05V-Z 8 1.50 mm2 6347/3-F M14 8871-F CH-N03EA7Z1-F 7 0.50 mm2 M3 6240-F CH-N07Z-F 8570-F CH-N07V-F 6 2.5µ Shaft cabling systems Accessories M8 8662/2-F FTP Compensation weight M6 8667/2-F Flat cable 6240-F comprehensive elevator cable systems 8570-F .5µ M10 8811-Z CH-H05Z-Z 8823-Z CH-N05V-Z 6 1.50 mm2 M5 CH-N07Z-F 8570-F CH-N03EC4-F 3 0.Innovative Dynofil module concept Possible elements Module type Possible elements (international) CH-N05V-F Dimensions Integrated data elements 12 0