Sockets can simply removed outputs that are longer required, that these can later reused, necessary. The Ecobus Flat Cable System Solution Branches the Ecobus flat cable system are created piercing the conductor with the Ecobus Connectors.
Connectors Actuators
Connectors Cables
reduced 30%
Informations Accessories
reduced 70%
reduced 80%
40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%
reduced 80%
reduced 90%
reduced 80%
80% 90% 100%
Technical changes reserved. You cannot beat the Ecobus flat cable system with Ecobus floormounted distribution boxes when comes changing use repairing floor-mounted box. Prewired Ecobus floor-mounted distribution boxes, which enable Ecobus flat cable and Ecobus Connectors and patch cables combined quickly, ensure that the time needed for assembly drastically reduced.
Accessories Actuators
Time for assembly: the end phase project, time valuable asset.“Plug and Play” replaces classic electrical installations
Building Systems Technology
Power supply across the board with flat cable system tap the power any point route.
. Connections are made the twist wrist. This means, for example, that factory-wired Ecobus floor-mounted distribution boxes can connected the Ecobus flat cable any point using Ecobus patch cables. That means different parts and tools must carried each site and installers must make times many trips than with the Ecobus flat cable system using Ecobus floor-mounted boxes. Branch and junction boxes are often placed locations that are subsequently longer reachable. This means the cabling system quickly becomes out control, and must replaced renovated large scale. And that means true plug and play your electrical installation. Work stations and devices must connected flexibly channels floor level, false walls false floors are must the building’s equipment. Extra safety provided plant-side verification components and colourcoded Ecobus sockets, connectors and flat cables that help avoid mistakes. conventional electrical installations, several cables are laid between the distribution point and the consumer devices. Operational security cannot beaten. There need cut the Ecobus flat cable. “Connectors” are used create junctions any point along the whole cable run, without having cut the Ecobus flat cable. Each clamp compromises the safety operation the complete system with this type installation, and there increased risk fire due faulty clamps, which, conjunction with the extremely high fire load the cable, can quickly lead catastrophy. Floor-mounted boxes must built with various components, due the requirements the local installation. When changes are needed, round cables are often simply cut order create new branches.
Return Investment
Introduction Cables
Power supply has traditionally been provided using round cables that have cut, branched and clamped for each device.
Modern office buildings demand flexible electrical installations. Floormounted boxes can removed without powering down the system, just matter disconnecting the socket connecting the box the Ecobus flat cable. New outputs can inserted any point the cable run. the same way, new floor-mounted boxes can connected existing connectors without powering down, simply connecting the appropriate socket. FIRST INSTALLATION Costs Assembly Fire Load
0% 10% 20% 30%
Materials: The significant reduction cabling, and the use factor-ready modules, lowers cost despite the added value the installation and increased safety 10% 30%. Users are longer prepared adapt rigid traditional electrical systems. Distribution achieved using branch boxes, floor-mounted distribution boxes. The Ecobus flat cable system connects areas using flexible power rails. Assembly faults are practically eliminated. The structure the electrical installation easy see all times, and new components can installed afterwards with the minimum amount effort. The costs and time required for modifications renovation become difficult calculate. These ensure that the right connections are always made. addition, both risk fire and fire load are reduced minimum