Daetwyler Cables - Information and Communication technology

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Information and Communication technology, Safety cable systems, Building automation, Elevator cable systems, Cable harnessing, logistics and support

Vydal: Neurčeno

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Each bus station equipped with its own intelligence and does not require centralised control. This guarantees that your investment will retain its value for decades come. The functions the bus stations (actuators and sensors) are programmable via the ecobus® data transmission line. ecobus® Data flatform cable with ecobus® Data Adapter Outgoing circuit without insulation stripping for inter-connecting the sensors with flatform data transmission cables page E-25 Informations Accessories Actuators Connectors Cables ecobus® Combi Adapter 5x2,5+2x0,5 Combined data and power output circuit for ecobus® Combi flatform cables page E-23 ecobus® Power 5x10 flatform power cable 5x10mm2 e. for powerr supplies page E-12/E-13 U-4 E-4 . Whereas conventional electrical building services installation merely distributes power and could switched necessary, the ecobus® system meets the higher standards demanded modern building services. Open and closed-loop control operations can centralised decentralised. Compared with conventional electrical installation, modern building manage-ment using ecobus® features minimum cable expenditure, rapid adaptability, and flexible use space.g.ecobus® Product Overview System description Modern building services installation calls for control and automation the widest possible range building services. The installations can modified extended without any major planning effort. ecobus® enables the problem-free linking very wide variety building services functions and facilities that have been strictly separated date such heating, air conditioning, ventilation, lighting, building surveillance, and load management. The flatform cables and appropriate pre-assembled plug-in and screw components (Connector connection boxes) make insulation stripping unnecessary and considerably reduce installation time