Daetwyler Cables - Information and Communication technology

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Information and Communication technology, Safety cable systems, Building automation, Elevator cable systems, Cable harnessing, logistics and support

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Poznámky redaktora
Dätwyler pyrosys® cable tray without thread rod suspension for wall and ceiling installation.pyrosys® E30-E90 Support systems Preventive fire protection and circuit integrity Preventive fire protection The co-ordinated and examined pyrofil® and pyrosys® products enables optimal system approaches and guarantee quality, cost-efficiency, saving time and security.500 pyrofil® Keram cables and cable tray/cable ladder/wire mesh cable tray different manufactures. pyrosys® E30-E90 Support systems pyrosys® Hermann clamp: Bundling e.200 mm Fixing devices pyrosys® Single clamp: pyrosys® Strap clamp: Bundling cables Bundling cables with thread rod suspension 10Kg Distribution boxes 1. 300 Standard laying technics with Single clamp 600 Standard laying technics with Strap clamp with trough Safety cables 600 800 mm 600 800 1. cables 3x1,5mm2 Support systems Firestop systems .200 Standard cabletray 20Kg Accessories also without thread rod suspension 1.g. P-116 Informations Technical changes reserved