Daetwyler Cables - Information and Communication technology

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Information and Communication technology, Safety cable systems, Building automation, Elevator cable systems, Cable harnessing, logistics and support

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Cables are prepared usual, with offset connection order. Mandrel crimping not permitted for crimped connections. Preventive fire protection . P-99 Informations Accessories pyrosys® joint SMH4 Distribution boxes Firestop systems Fixing devices Safety cables For connection two pyrofil® Keram cable types (N)HXH/(N)HXH CL/(N)HXCH FE180/E30-E60, (N)HXH/(N)HXCH FE180/E90. Construction The joint consist several heat-absorbing inner joints depending the number conductor connections and external joint and several insulating tubes that act flame barrier. The cable joint provides the relevant circuit integrity the cables. Support systems Description 150 240 4/4 10/10 25/16 50/25 95/50 150/70 240/120 pyrosys® joint SMH4 pyrosys® joint SMH4 pyrosys® joint SMH4 pyrosys® joint SMH4 pyrosys® joint SMH4 pyrosys® joint SMH4 pyrosys® joint SMHC4 pyrosys® joint SMHC4 pyrosys® joint SMHC4 pyrosys® joint SMHC4 pyrosys® joint SMHC4 pyrosys® joint SMHC4 pyrosys® joint SMHC4 Assembly Article No. 1300 310 1300 311 1300 312 1300 313 1300 314 1300 315 1300 316 1300 317 1300 318 1300 319 1300 320 1300 321 1300 322 1300 323 Dimensions mm2] 1,5 120 185 1,5/1,5 6/6 16/16 35/16 70/35 120/70 185/95 Technical changes reserved.Cable joint E30/E90 Cable joint E30-E90 Product information Application Goods supplied Full shrink tube, without squeeze connections. Detailed assembly instructions are provided with each joint. The connection joint installed using any common warm air device