Wire mesh cable tray
Product information
pyrosys® wire mesh cable tray accessories
Article No. 1301 096 Type GAS 8x220 Description Thread Suspension set M8x220 Info For thread attachment ceiling console DKS Contents: thread rails M8x220, KMu LF8 plugs (recommended tool set SMu SM, drillbit SDS2) 1301 097 1301 098 8x1000 GZS Thread rod M8x1000 Thread rod attachment Accessories For thread attachment wall console WKS 8x1000 Contents: 100 underlay disks nuts, KMu LF8 plugs, (recommended tool set SMu SM, drillbit SDS2) VPE pieces Accessories for thread rod suspension attachment 100 underlay disks, nuts Technical changes reserved.
Distribution boxes
Firestop systems
Fixing devices
Support systems
Safety cables
. 1301 090 Type VBS Description Push connector set Info Contents: push connectors, Snap connectors, 200 bolts, nuts snap-in parts for straight joints For each push connection, bolts, nuts, snap-in parts, push connectors and snap connectors are provided. 100, bolts, nuts, snap-in-pieces and 1.5 push connectors are provided For each 90° angle for barred groove 150, bolts, nuts, snap-in-pieces and push connectors are provided 200, bolts, nuts, snap-in parts, snap connectors and push connector are provided for T-junctions For each T-junction for barred groove 100 200, bolts, nuts, snap-in-parts and for cross joints For each T-junction for barred groove 150 bolts, nuts, snap-in parts, snap connector and push connectors are provided snap connectors are provided For each 90° angle for barred groove for 90° angles For each 90° angle for barred groove
Preventive fire protection
pyrosys® wire mesh cable tray fixings
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