Daetwyler Cables - Information and Communication technology

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Information and Communication technology, Safety cable systems, Building automation, Elevator cable systems, Cable harnessing, logistics and support

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Poznámky redaktora
1 and IEC 60332.D 190 223 190 224 190 225 190 226 Article No. G50/125 OM3 187 360 request 191 191 190 605 Article No.5 weight bending radius kg/km 166 168 170 166 190 190 190 190 tensile load 6000 6000 6000 6000 crush resistance Fire load continuous N/cm short term N/cm kWh/km MJ/km 300 300 300 300 500 500 500 500 733 733 733 733 2639 2639 2639 2639 -wbGGFR-Safety -wbGGFR-Safety -wbGGFR-Safety -wbGGFR-Safety Versions U-DQ(ZN)BH nxm description optofil optofil optofil optofil ® ® fibre number 60 Article No.5 12.652.5 12. P-85 Informations Accessories Distribution boxes Firestop systems Fixing devices Support systems Safety cables . fibres max. E9/125 G. 5 cableØ 12. G50/125 OM2 187 294 request request request Article No. functional integrity according DIN 4102-12 30Min.optofil®-wbGGFR-Safety U-DQ(ZN)BH Life safety cable for indoor and outdoor use nonmetallic, water resistant, rodent protected, flame redardant IEC 60332.3-24 Kat.5/125 OM1 request request request request -wbGGFR-Safety -wbGGFR-Safety -wbGGFR-Safety -wbGGFR-Safety Technical changes reserved.5 12. (E30) Preventive fire protection description U-DQ(ZN)BH nxm optofil optofil optofil optofil ® ® no. 2x12 3x12 4x12 5x12 60 loose tube max. G62