Other confined spaces which thousands people congregate daily include office towers, shopping centres and entertainment parks.
Mobility increasing rapidly worldwide and with the sizes crowds airports and train stations. These systems beyond the toughest European norms.Connections that work case fire
Patented ceramic technology Daetwyler Cables has been producing safety cables using patented ceramic technology for over ten years.
Safety standards meet cable technology Fire-safety regulations are being continually tightened minimize fire damage and provide the best possible protection life and property. Daetwyler Cables step ahead the race, offering innovative total solutions that incorporate electrical cable systems with extended functional integrity.
Distribution boxes
Firestop systems
Fixing devices
Whether football stadiums, airports metro stations wherever masses people assemble confined space, the risk catastrophe case fire especially great. Functional integrity testing covers not just individual cables but complete cable systems including the associated supports and fasteners. That’s why special cabling systems are particularly important systems that continue function dependably even during fire providing life-saving security for extended time.
Support systems
Safety cables
. The materials and processing the ceramic-insulated products are being constantly improved. The latest generation cables offers variety tested, standardcompliant installation options that outperform far the conventional installation methods (according DIN 4102-12). leading provider safety cable systems, Daetwyler Cables closely collaborates with fireprotection specialists develop innovative solutions. These systems provide continuous power and data transmission even fire, and thus form the backbone effective fire-safety concept. contrast conventional insulation integrity testing, this method comprehensive testing reflects the actual performance entire cable systems installed buildings that catches fire