Daetwyler Cables - Information and Communication technology

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Information and Communication technology, Safety cable systems, Building automation, Elevator cable systems, Cable harnessing, logistics and support

Vydal: Neurčeno

Strana 309 z 528

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Poznámky redaktora
U-291 Informations Accessories Systems waterblocking (swelling yarns swelling tapes) Fibre optic Copper unscreened Copper screened A 60 E9 wb GG T 5 HighP Communication technology .5/125) aramid yarn thermoplastic sheath central tube construction aramid yarn corrugated steel armouring glass strands armouring thermoplastic (PE) low smoke halogen free Polyvinylchloride FR/LS0H flame retardant according IEC 60332 Fibre optic Technical changes reserved.Type designation for Dätwyler Fibre Optic Cables High Performance max. loose tube cable sheath: LS0H PVK armouring: cable design: fibre type: Number fibres Area application: Outdoor cable Indoor cable singlemode multimode graded index (SMF E9/125) (MMF G50/125 G62. no