Daetwyler Cables - Information and Communication technology

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Information and Communication technology, Safety cable systems, Building automation, Elevator cable systems, Cable harnessing, logistics and support

Vydal: Neurčeno

Strana 307 z 528

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Poznámky redaktora
05 [dB], reversible fibre attenuation<= 0.33[%], reversible fibre attenuation 0.20 [dB], reversible damage the sheath and the cable elements fibre break fibre attenuation<= 0.Mechanical requirements for Fibre Optic Cables mechanical requirements for Fibre Optic Cables with Singlemode-fibres Test type Test method Test criterion Copper screened Fibre optic Technical changes reserved.5 [dB], reversible fibre attenuation<= 0.05 [dB], reversible Communication technology .33[%], reversible fibre attenuation 0.05 [dB], reversible damage the sheath and the cable elements fibre break fibre attenuation<= 0.20 [dB], reversible U-289 Informations Accessories Systems Fibre optic Copper unscreened fibre elongation 0. tensile performance crush resistance impact repeated bending bend torsion water penetration temperature cycling IEC 60794-1-2-E1 IEC 60794-1-2-E3 IEC 60794-1-2-E4 IEC IEC IEC IEC IEC 60794-1-2-E6 60794-1-2-E11 60794-1-2-E7 60794-1-2-F5 60794-1-2-F1 mechanical requirements for Fibre Optic Cables with Multimode-fibres Test type Test method Test criterion tensile performance crush resistance impact repeated bending bend torsion water penetration temperature cycling IEC 60794-1-2-E1 IEC 60794-1-2-E3 IEC 60794-1-2-E4 IEC IEC IEC IEC IEC 60794-1-2-E6 60794-1-2-E11 60794-1-2-E7 60794-1-2-F5 60794-1-2-F1 fibre elongation 0.1 [dB], reversible water penetration [m] [Std] fibre attenuation<= 0.1 [dB], reversible water penetration [m] [h] fibre attenuation<= 0