For cables with intermediate sheath the intermediate sheath and associated foil screen should maintained close possible the point termination. Bending radius during installation should always bigger than the overall diameter the cable (unless otherwise specified the cable manufacturer).
. when using heat shrinking tubing. Avoid storing ‘reserve loops’ the patch panel.g. Rewind unused cable and fix the end firmly. Never pull the cables over the flange the reel (risk twisting).
Heat influence
Fibre optic
• Foamed wires are sensitive direct heat influence.e.Guidelines for the installation unilan® products
Communication technology
Cable pulling
• Always pull cables directly from the drum box. Never expose Uninet data cables direct heat sources. Never use hot air gun gas burner, e. Always check the data sheets for exact specifications. two different bending radii are listed, i. Use all wires for retracting.
Cable laying
• Lay data cables separate channels from power cable and always cross 90° using bridge.
Accessories Informations
Technical changes reserved. Open wires tied with insulating tape between moving equipment and cable sheath (Doesn’t apply cables)
Bending radius
• According EN50173. Therefore please look «regulations, standards and guidelines».: bend radius with the higher value during installation bend radius with the lower value after installation
Copper screened
Pressure data cables
Copper unscreened
• Avoid any pressure data cables! Crushing that effects the wires can have negative effect the transmission characteristics the cable. When using reels always use suitable equipment that will ensure free rotation the reel. The most frequent reasons crushing are improperly fixed cables, crossing cables and mechanical stress cables.
Terminating the patch panel
• Always follow the connecting hardware manuals. For cables with pairs metal foil (S/FTP, PiMF) the foil screen should maintained close possible the point termination. That avoids possible EMC influence