Daetwyler Cables - Information and Communication technology

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Information and Communication technology, Safety cable systems, Building automation, Elevator cable systems, Cable harnessing, logistics and support

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Poznámky redaktora
07.07.7 Data cable screened Cat.485* 0.7 Data cable screened (S/FTP, stranded wire) (UTP, stranded wire) (UTP) (S/FTP) Accessories Systems (S/FTP) due the low attenuation especially suited for: Gigabit Ethernet with big reserves the limit values CATV-transmission 862 MHz Power Ethernet (PoE) Technical changes reserved. 444 from 11.866* 0.318 *) Minimum acceptable diameter (0. [mm] (acc. [mm2] (acc.2008) 0.159 0. 444 from 11.079 Fibre optic Copper Copper unscreened Copper screened 18 28 1. AWG Diameter solid conductor Min.688* 0.807 0.432* 0.201 0.126 0.6 Flexible cable unscreened Cat. The larger the AWG number, the smaller the wire size.546* 0.641 0. U-275 Informations Communication technology .6 Data cable unscreened Cat.509 0.610* 0.2008) Cross-sectional area stranded conductor Min.404 0.013 0.95 nominal) solid conductor this size AWG-number for typical copper cable constructions AWG AWG AWG AWG AWG AWG Category/Cable Cat.318 0.100 0.7 Flexible cable screened Cat.254 0.AWG-Table AWG American Wire Gauge This derived from the number drawing dies, which are needed, order manufacture certain cross section.358 0.772* 0.384* 0