Daetwyler Cables - Information and Communication technology

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Information and Communication technology, Safety cable systems, Building automation, Elevator cable systems, Cable harnessing, logistics and support

Vydal: Neurčeno

Strana 291 z 528

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Poznámky redaktora
Copper wire design, Twisting Procedures and patented inter coat Copper Wire Design Full Wire Wire with Cellular insulation and Skin Thermoplast synthetic material Copper Wire FOAM Copper Wire Skin Wire with Cellular Insulation and Full Skin Copper Wire Inner Skin Outer Skin Twisting procedures uninet®-Data Cables Twisted Pair Patented inter coat Star Quad Twisting Star quad Dätwyler maximises the electrical performance its high-quality data cables with intercoat. U-273 Accessories Systems TP (Twisted Pair) A very important aspect the high performance uninet data cables the stable mechnical design. The mechnical stress during the installation can’t underestimated and can have negative consequences regarding the transmission characteristics. Fibre optic Copper unscreened Foam Copper screened Communication technology . This special construction Dätwyler protected having european patent 0567757 B1! Copper Informations Technical changes reserved