Daetwyler Cables - Information and Communication technology

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Information and Communication technology, Safety cable systems, Building automation, Elevator cable systems, Cable harnessing, logistics and support

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Poznámky redaktora
Modules with higher category implements all requirements the category below. 6 Article No. 1415 020 KU-T 1/8 Cat. 6 Article No. 1414 725 Accessories KU-T 1/8 Cat. 5e Article No. 418 072, 418 073 Technical changes reserved. 6/EA Article No. 6 Article No. 6 Article No. TERATM Trademark Siemon, GG45TM Trademark Nexans U-11 Informations Fibre optic Copper unscreened Copper screened . 418 050 ECU 24/8 Cat. 417 980 Systems CS 24/8 Cat. Connesting hardware copper unshielded Cables 417 963 CSA 24/8 Cat. 418 070, 418 071 MU 1/8 Cat