Daetwyler Cables - Information and Communication technology

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1 Mounting support for horizontal installation without separator Fig. Article no. Due this extensive program, one can find mounting support that fits almost every duct system. - Description Mounting support for Faceplate T-Nut 50mm; w/o separator tray Mounting support for Faceplate T-Nut 50mm; with separator tray Mounting support for Faceplate T-Nut 55mm; w/o separator tray Mounting support for Faceplate T-Nut 55mm; with separator tray Mounting support for Faceplate T-Nut 50mm vertical; w/o tray Mounting support for Faceplate T-Nut 50mm vertical; with tray Mounting support for Faceplate T-Nut 55mm vertical; w/o tray Mounting support for Faceplate T-Nut 55mm vertical; with tray Mounting support for Faceplate DIN rail 50mm; w/o separator tray Mounting support for Faceplate DIN rail 50mm; separator tray Mounting support for Faceplate DIN rail 52mm; w/o separator tray Mounting support for Faceplate DIN rail 52mm; separator tray Mounting support for Faceplate DIN rail 55mm; with separator tray Mounting support for Faceplate DIN rail 55mm; w/o separator tray PU unit/box unit/box unit/box unit/box unit/box unit/box unit/box unit/box unit/box unit/box unit/box unit/box unit/box unit/box Informations Accessories 185 706 185 707 185 708 185 709 U-268 Technical changes reserved.2 Mounting support for vertical installation without separator Product information Copper screened Mounting support for unilan® Faceplates Description Mounting support for easy and space-saving integration faceplates into trunking, order safeguard the appropriate bending radius, required for copper and data cables. Fixing dimension for the faceplates (horizontal) They are useable for the following faceplates: unilan® data outlet CSD 2/8-U 2/8 and CSD 2/8-K unilan® faceplate for Modules unilan® faceplate MS-K for Modules unilan® faceplate for Modules unilan® faceplate PS-TERA for Modules Fibre optic Copper unscreened Application The mounting support can used for three different types installation: T-Nut fastening DIN rail mounting horizontal and vertical, suitable for Thealit and Ackermann-k ducts (width 35mm) 52mm (overall height) suitable for Niedax, Nowa Plast, Rhönmetall, Rehnau (Signo series) ducts (Width 35mm) and 55mm (overall height) suitable for ducts GGK, Licatec, Stago, Thorsmann Serie Inka with adapter TTI-N70 N215 DIN rail mounting Systems In order isolate the parts which are connected the power supply, the supports can also delivered with snap-on separators. .Mounting support for cable ducts for unilan® faceplates Communication technology Fig. 185 695 185 696 185 697 185 698 185 699 185 701 185 702 185 703 185 704 185 705 Fig