Daetwyler Cables - Information and Communication technology

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Information and Communication technology, Safety cable systems, Building automation, Elevator cable systems, Cable harnessing, logistics and support

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5U front view with RJ45 shielded MHD Cu-distributor cartridge 0. The pre-assembled copper trunk cable can connected quickly the distributor cartridge the modular distributor (available and versions) via the telco connectors the rear the chassis. The maximum link length for transmission speed Gbit/s The MHD Cu-trunks can provide you with telco trunks any lengths that you require. Article No. U-259 Informations Accessories Systems MHD Fibre optic Copper unscreened Communication technology . This solution provides computing centres with the flexibility perform ‘changes’, ‘moves’ and ‘adds’ very quickly without the need for costly on-site work. Telco-Telco 470 300 470 301 470 302 470 303 470 304 470 305 470 306 470 307 470 308 470 309 470 311 470 312 470 310 Technical changes reserved. Copper screened Features The 50-pin screen telco socket with pre-assembled zero-halogen and screen trunk cables very slim design and flexible for wide range applications. measurement report included with the copper trunks.MHD Cu-Trunks with Telco Interface For the connection the MHD Cu-distributor cartridges suitable for 1000Base-T MHD Cu-Trunk, both side terminated with Telco jack for the connection the MHD Cu-distributor cartridges MHD Cu-distributor cartridge 0. You can also achieve very high packing densities such copper ports rack. MHD Cu-Trunks with Telco connector Length other lengths* other lengths available request The specified lengths are measured between the telco sockets.5U rear side with Telco connector Product information MHD Modular High Density distributor system Application Pre-assembled screened copper trunk cable for all applications Gbit/s, especially suitable for computer centres