Daetwyler Cables - Information and Communication technology

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Information and Communication technology, Safety cable systems, Building automation, Elevator cable systems, Cable harnessing, logistics and support

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2. Connection System ST, SC, LSH, LC, FC/PC and others well HRL variants (to defined) Accessories Fibre optic Article No. 416 890 416 891 416 892 416 893 416 894 416 895 Description launch cable 100m G50+G62 1000m E09 launch cable 1000m E09 launch cable 100m G50 launch cable 100m G62 launch cable 12x100m G50 launch cable 12x100m G62 Information connector defined connector defined connector defined connector defined connector defined connector defined Informations Accessories Systems U-242 Vorlauffaser 0708/e Technical changes reserved. .Fibre optic accessories launch cable for measurement Communication technology launch cable for measurement Product information Copper screened Launch cable for measurement Application Launch cable are necessary for evaluation the optical performance the Link’s Construction Cover: Assembly Copper unscreened PVC hard-top case (275x225x80)mm with reserve tray for adapter and other accessories Alternatively with different fibre types with fibres the same type The fibres are wound stress free and ca.5m lead trough the case tube