Daetwyler Cables - Information and Communication technology

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Information and Communication technology, Safety cable systems, Building automation, Elevator cable systems, Cable harnessing, logistics and support

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Poznámky redaktora
1414 885 1414 886 1412 754 1412 752 1412 753 1421 645 1414 608 1414 610 1414 890 1414 892 1414 401 1414 403 1414 405 1414 407 1414 415 1414 417 1412 761 1412 762 417 856 1414 450 1412 965 Copper unscreened SC SC/APC SCD SCD SCD SCD SCD/APC SCD SCD SCD SCD LCD LCD FC/PC FC/PC LSH/APC-M LSH Systems Connecting Fibre optic LSH other adapter request Description Fibre type piece piece piece Cover material polymer polymer polymer Colour beige blue green Article No. . 1414 889 1414 887 1414 888 1414 223 1414 224 1414 225 Accessories Shutter for SCD POL Shutter for SCD POL Shutter for SCD POL dummy plug SC/LSH/LCD dummy plug SCD dummy plug ST/FC Informations U-208 FO-Adapter/Kupplungen 0708/e Technical changes reserved.Fibre optic adapters Fibre optic coupler Communication technology SC-Duplex SC-Simplex Shutter for SC-Duplex ST LSH LC-Duplex Product information Copper screened Fibre optic adapters FOadapter side adapter side SC/APC SCD SCD SCD SCD/APC SCD SCD LCD LCD FC/PC FC/PC LSH/APC-M LSH LSH Fibre type Sleeve ceramics ceramics ceramics ceramics ceramics ceramics ceramics ceramics ceramics ceramics ceramics ceramics Cover material metal metal polymer polymer polymer Polymer polymer polymer polymer polymer metal metal metal metal polymer polymer metal metal polymer polymer polymer green blue black beige blue beige blue green turqouis beige beige blue green Colour Article No