Daetwyler Cables - Information and Communication technology

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Information and Communication technology, Safety cable systems, Building automation, Elevator cable systems, Cable harnessing, logistics and support

Vydal: Neurčeno

Strana 217 z 528

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Poznámky redaktora
0 12.0 15. 120 144 288 loose tube max.9 18. 12 cableØ 12.8 weight bending radius kg/km 154 175 208 243 286 356 180 195 210 230 255 285 tensile load 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 crush resistance Fire load continuous N/cm short term N/cm kWh/km MJ/km 300 300 300 300 300 300 500 500 500 500 500 500 627 698 925 1151 1367 1435 2257 2513 3330 4144 4921 5165 Cables fibre number 120 144 288 Article No.1 and IEC 60332.3-24 Kat.4 16.optofil®-wbGGFR-Easy-Blow U-DQ(ZN)BH for indoor and outdoor use nonmetallic, dry interstices, rodent protected, flame retardant IEC 60332.8 14. G50/125 OM2 request 186 645 187 319 request request request request request request request Article No.D 190 602 190 215 190 692 190 216 190 217 190 218 190 219 190 220 190 221 request Article No.652. G62.C description U-DQ(ZN)BH nxm wbGGFR5 Easy-Blow wbGGFR6 Easy-Blow wbGGFR8 Easy-Blow wbGGFR10 Easy-Blow wbGGFR12 Easy-Blow wbGGFR12 Easy-Blow 5x12 6x12 8x12 10x12 12x12 12x24 no.5/125 OM1 186 756 186 561 request 186 757 190 753 186 758 request request request request U-DQ(ZN)BH nxm description wbGGFR5 Easy-Blow wbGGFR5 Easy-Blow wbGGFR5 Easy-Blow wbGGFR5 Easy-Blow wbGGFR5 Easy-Blow wbGGFR6 Easy-Blow wbGGFR8 Easy-Blow wbGGFR10 Easy-Blow wbGGFR12 Easy-Blow wbGGFR12 Easy-Blow U-199 Informations Accessories Systems Fibre optic Versions Copper unscreened Copper screened Communication technology . fibres max. E9/125 G