Copper screened
Communication technology
Ø cable duct 1,5 cable
Cost comparison between conventional solution and Optofil-Micro
Costs and network development percent
1st stage
2nd stage
3rd stage
4th stage
5th stage
Stages/development status
Network construction costs with conventional technology Network construction costs with Optofil-Micro %
Network construction with conventional technology Network construction with Optofil-Micro %
Fibre optic
Copper unscreened
Bad smooth microduct with turbulent air flow Vortices and return flows retard the air flow and therefore reduce the energy smooth duct. Friction the duct high. Exhaustive tests have shown that the Optofil-Micro cables have optimal cable diameters. The friction between cable and duct low.
The right cable
The optimum internal diameter the microducts should one-and-a-half two times the cable diameter the Optofil-Micro.optofil®-Micro
The right combination duct and cable crucial
The right duct
outer duct microduct 10mm pices pices pices microduct 7mm pices pices Spices
microduct outer duct
Good channelled microduct with laminar air flow
Channelling the duct the same direction causes the air flow through the duct with high energy