Daetwyler Cables - Information and Communication technology

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Information and Communication technology, Safety cable systems, Building automation, Elevator cable systems, Cable harnessing, logistics and support

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Poznámky redaktora
652. G50/125 OM2 185 557 191 259 185 558 186 499 186 365 Article No.0 weight bending radius kg/km 110 120 tensile load 1000 1000 crush resistance Fire load continuous N/cm short term N/cm kWh/km MJ/km 200 200 500 500 418 491 1505 1768 Versions A-DQ(ZN)B2Y 1xm description ZGGT 1000 BasicLine ZGGT 1000 BasicLine ZGGT 1000 BasicLine ZGGT 1000 BasicLine ZGGT 1000 BasicLine 1x4 1x6 1x8 1x12 1x24 fibre number Article No. 24 loose tube max.3 8. G50/125 OM3 request 191 188 191 189 191 190 request Article No. E9/125 G. 1 cableØ 7.D 191 292 191 256 186 500 190 192 190 193 Article No. Cables G62.optofil®-Outdoor Cable A-DQ(ZN)B2Y ZGGT 1000 BasicLine central tube design, nonmetallic, water resistant, rodent protected description A-DQ(ZN)B2Y 1xm ZGGT 1000 BasicLine ZGGT 1000 BasicLine 1x12 1x24 no. fibres max.5/125 OM1 187 364 186 497 186 498 187 350 186 643 U-183 Informations Accessories Systems Fibre optic Copper unscreened Copper screened Communication technology