Daetwyler Cables - Information and Communication technology

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Information and Communication technology, Safety cable systems, Building automation, Elevator cable systems, Cable harnessing, logistics and support

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Poznámky redaktora
652.3-24 Kat.5/125 OM1 186 488 187 292 request request request request request U-171 Informations Accessories Systems Fibre optic Versions Copper unscreened 3200 Copper screened Communication technology . C description U-DQ(ZN)BH nxm Optoversal Optoversal Optoversal Optoversal Optoversal 5x12 6x12 8x12 10x12 12x12 no. 12 cableØ 11. E9/125 G.2 13. G50/125 OM2 186 434 187 291 190 618 187 344 request request 186 616 Article No.3 weight bending radius kg/km 148 164 198 230 272 175 185 205 225 245 tensile load 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 crush resistance Fire load continuous N/cm short term N/cm kWh/km MJ/km 300 300 300 300 300 500 500 500 500 500 616 681 808 936 1075 2218 2452 2909 3870 Cables U-DQ(ZN)BH nxm description Optoversal Optoversal Optoversal Optoversal Optoversal Optoversal Optoversal 12 fibre number 120 144 Article No. G62. fibres max.5 14. G50/125 OM3 auf Anfrage 186 486 186 642 186 539 186 540 186 536 request Article No.1and IEC 60322.8 16. 120 144 loose tube max.optoversal® U-DQ(ZN)BH for indoor and outdoor use non metallic, dry interstices rodent protected, flame redardant according IEC 60332.D 190 207 190 208 190 209 190 210 186 747 190 211 190 212 Article No.4 12