Daetwyler Cables - Information and Communication technology

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Information and Communication technology, Safety cable systems, Building automation, Elevator cable systems, Cable harnessing, logistics and support

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FR/LSOH Design for very low fire load and flame retardancy.3-24 Kat.C IEC 61034-1/-2, 61034-1/-2 (EN 50268-1/-2), VDE 0482-1034-1/-2 (VDE 0482-268-1/-2) Informations Accessories U-162 GF-2306 Breakout 0606/e Technical changes reserved.9 mm. direct connector installation can spliced cable terminal distributors Application Copper unscreened Optical characteristics The cables are available with different types fibre (see fibre data sheets) Fibre optic Cables Mechanical characteristics temperature range tensile performance crush resistance impact repeated bending torsion bend operation -20 +60°C IEC 60794-2-20 IEC 60794-1-2 IEC 60794-1-2 IEC 60794-1-2 IEC 60794-1-2 IEC 60794-1-2 IEC 60794-1-2 E11 A General characteristics Systems sheath colour Printing example E9/125 yellow/green G50/125 orange G50/125 OM3 turquoise G62.0mm semi tight buffer fibre Product information Copper screened Features Robust, flexible fibre optic breakout cable based single fibre cables with semi tight buffer tube 0. LAN backbone connection cable between main and terminal distributors Can laid cable platforms, cable trays and vertical cable shafts. . Easy handling and simple strip off.C, VDE 0482-266-2-3 Cat.C Communication technology FR/LS0H-sheath aramid yarn single fibre cable 2.1 and IEC 60332.5/125 grey DÄTWYLER OPTOFIL 2G50 1GBE OM2 FR/LSOH C-no.optofil®-Indoor cable I-V(ZN)HH Breakout 2. 10888 1850 ~ Zero halogen, non corrosive gases Flame retardant Fire resistant (no flame propagation) Minimum smoke emission IEC 60754-1/-2, 50267-2-1/-2-2, VDE 0482-267-2-1/-2-2 IEC 60332-1-2, 60332-1-2, VDE 0482-332-1-2 IEC 60332-3-24 Cat.C, 50266-2-3 Cat.0mm, FR/LS0H semi tight buffer tube design, flame retardant according IEC 60332